Saturday, 18 March 2017

The Blacksmith Bureau

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Payback Time




No, not the Wayback machine, the Reality Machine. One after another up they come before our eyes, the Verdict, the Final Judgement  and The Empty Cupboard. The main shelf of the cupboard is now labelled "Grange: facts in the McCanns' defence to emerge from the investigation." It is big, it is friendly and it is empty.

The Bureau always said that the McCann/Amaral case was a fight to the death. That was not rhetoric: one of the two sides was going to be destroyed - literally.  That was why we joined the struggle in our  own small way.

The Verdict - resulted from the demolition of the McCann narrative  during the libel trial. It was the beginning of the end.

The Final Judgement - provided, for the first time, a defence for the UK media in the libel courts after the McCanns' eight year attempt to muzzle it at source.  Eight years after the McCanns and their revolting Portuguese ally, Isabel "no friends" Duarte, ambushed Amaral in order to prevent the publication of his claim that "the child died in the apartment"  the couple are being relieved of 400 000 Euros and faced with claims in the tabloid press that - guess what? - the child died in the apartment.

Eight years older and four hundred thousand pounds lighter the McCanns are today faced with the publication in the Sun of claims that they are not body disposers but - guess what? - killers. The Sun  stuff  is far worse than the UK media ever produced in September 2007 while the couple cowered  in their hideous Rothley home waiting to find out if their lawyers would save them.

They did, the shelving and the Archiving Summary followed and the way was open to sue.

Clunk! Years later one of those lawyers sat in the Lisbon witness box listening to the McCanns'  claims and credibility being destroyed. Payback time. Two years later he has had the pleasure of hearing the lying "exoneration" claim  - that the McCanns and Mitchell dishonestly presented to the media the day after the shelving - annulled by Portugal's highest court.

Clunk! News International lawyers passed the Sun story last night. Clunk! Amaral's  draining of their resources leaves them without enough of their, ahem, own money to sue. That means Carter-Ruck taking on the Murdoch organization on no-win, no-fee basis. Good luck with that one.

The Empty Cupboard - the Reality Cupboard - has finally brought starvation. Nothing has emerged from the four year Grange investigation to strengthen their chances in any libel court, as News International knows. So far the McCann "team" has whined and snuffled at these claims but has made no threat to sue.

Amaral won. The McCanns are now being destroyed in front of our eyes. By Amaral and the public that they deceived. Grange is a footnote.


The Blacksmith Bureau

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