Tuesday, 9 May 2017
Madeleine McCann fund received £125,000 from News of the World
Saturday 17 December 2011 13.48 GMT
Confidential deal towards search fund for Madeleine was part of apology for tabloid's publication of mother Kate's diary extracts
The News of the World paid £125,000 to the fund supporting the search for Madeleine McCann as part of an apology for publishing Kate McCann's diaries – on condition that the terms of the deal remained secret.
The payment was made after the missing girl's parents expressed their outrage at the story, which Kate McCann said made her feel "mentally raped". All the parties involved in the negotiations over the payment, which was agreed in September 2008, were asked to sign a confidentiality agreement hiding the scale of the newspaper's culpability.
The payment was made despite claims by the defunct newspaper's editor at the Leveson inquiry last week that he believed he had had the full support of the McCanns to publish. Colin Myler, who edited the NoW from 2007 until it closed this year, told the inquiry he had received repeated assurances from his head of news, Ian Edmondson, that the McCanns' spokesman, Clarence Mitchell, supported publication – a claim which has been strenuously denied.
Myler told the inquiry that he subsequently ran an apology and paid a "substantial sum" because "he felt very bad that she didn't know". However, the Observer has learned that the NoW initially tried to minimise the compensation. A source at News International, the owner of the newspaper, said there were hours of negotiations between the company's lawyers and Carter-Ruck, the solicitors hired by the McCanns, in the days following publication of the story on 14 September 2008.
A deal was finally struck in which a £125,000 payment was agreed, but all parties were obliged to sign agreements that they would not talk about the size of the compensation. Last night Kate and Gerry McCann's spokesman and News International declined to comment.
The Guardian
More than 6,000 forensic samples used to secure criminal convictions feared tampered with
9 May 2017 at 6:39pm
Two men have been arrested as part of the inquiry. Credit: PA
More than 6,000 toxicology samples at a forensics labs, some used to secure rape and murder convictions, are feared to have been tampered with.
Two men have been arrested by Greater Manchester Police over claims that hundreds of criminal cases were mishandled by the Randox Testing Services (RTS).
At first it was believed that 484 cases had been affected, but the number now under the spotlight is feared to be greater than 6,000.
This has sparked concerns that scores of convictions, including for rapes and murders, could be overturned.
Many of the affected cases related to Road Traffic Act offences. Credit: PA
Since the emergence, the National Police Chiefs' Council has insisted around 90% of the affected samples can be retested.
A team of forensic experts are currently identifying any live cases which require retesting and past cases where convictions could be unsafe, the NPCC added.
"The majority of cases affected are Road Traffic Act offences such as drug driving," an NPCC spokesperson said.
"However, RTS provided toxicology tests for other offences including rape, assault and murder so it is possible these cases could be affected."
Hundreds of criminal convictions could theoretically be overturned. Credit: PA
The two men arrested at an RTS Manchester laboratory on suspicion of perverting the course of justice were aged 47 and 31.
The allegations came to light in January.
NPCC forensic expert Deputy Chief Constable James Vaughan described the tampering as a "serious breach" of "very rigorous professional standards".
"We now have a clearer picture of the scale of this data manipulation and have been able to set out a plan of action in partnership with RTS, the Forensic Science Regulator and the CPS," he said.
"The numbers affected could change as our investigations progress.
"We are prioritising the most serious and pressing cases but all cases where there could have been an impact on prosecution will be assessed, retested and appropriate action taken."
Why was FORENSIC REPORT changed? - Maddie McCann CMTV April 23rd 2016
Video Courtesy of HiDeHo
Bury This McCann Crap Along with Madeleine: An Essay From The Heart
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
I do have it preserved in its entirety, for posterity's sake, heaven forbid it were to disappear into the big cyber hole. And I would dearly like to paste all the McCann related text on this here page. Like to yes, but I can't, I would be doing too great a disservice to the writer were I to do so. Quite simply, it is an essay in its own right, and should be read as such.
Though there is much written about the McCanns, I feel that the piece affords the McCanns their true worth, that of incidental scumbags in the grand scheme of things. That's not to say the writer doesn't vent his spleen in this piece, written so obviously from the heart.
A taster then.
eta: Having read again and digested the thing at leisure, what can I say but, bloody good stuff!
Bury this McCann crap along with Madeleine
By Stanley Collymore
13 December 2011
....What has any of this to do with Kate and Gerry McCann I hear you ask? A great deal really as they’re evidently the kind of odious persons that fit comfortably into the pattern of those I have described earlier and that the world would be a great deal better off without and that’s putting it mildly. For here are two individuals that take lies and render them as the truth, who in spite of their evident and numerous faults and a marked rejection in acknowledging these must lay squarely with them instead haughtily thrust them onto the shoulders of anyone that their pathological feral mindset dictates they should and moreover can expectantly as of right anticipate that everyone else will accordingly and unquestioningly agree to; and so far they’ve been rather successful in this sick and quite perturbing ruse of theirs.
Without exception everyone I’ve spoken to about Madeleine or of their own accord has raised the matter with me in the UK or abroad is categorically of the view which I share that there has been no abduction of this girl who we firmly believe is dead and has been from the outset, and that her parents subconsciously guilt wracked but even so attention seekers par excellence and comprising mum Kate who more fittingly could be described as a contemporary Lucria Borgia kitted out with an evidently hen-pecked husband, no need to ask who wears the trousers in their house, are the ones that are solely responsible either intentionally or accidentally for Madeleine death and the disappearance of her body.
Furthermore I’m decisively convinced and every gut instinct reinforces this view that these two murderers, for if Madeleine was killed intentionally there is no getting away from the fact that murder is the crime in question and if her death was accidental and her parents are putting on this elaborate charade to deflect attention away from what really happened manslaughter is no longer a preference as would have been the case had they come clean from the start, are wholly culpable for what happened to their daughter. Let me emphasize the point; if I crash into you and you initially perceived it was an accident but my subsequent body language, no apology on my part to you and all this reinforced by a dismissive and even hostile attitude by me towards you and what happened, could anyone blame you for thinking that maybe what I did wasn’t an accident after all and what took place was a premeditated assault by me cleverly made to come across like an accident? And when one adds to that the case of perverting the course of justice I don’t any rational person would view it as a laughing matter.
It’s my honest opinion and in the absence to-date of any incontestable evidence to the contrary from the McCanns or anyone else is also my unshakable position that Kate and Gerry McCann after Madeleine’s death conspiratorially either with each other or with the misguided assistance of others whom they knew well and could therefore trust implicitly clandestinely and carefully disposed of Madeleine’s body. The rest of this absurd pantomime and especially the McCanns’ elaborate and to my mind highly improbable and entirely unconvincing story is sheer theatre of the macabre written, acted out and diligently directed by a woman that is very evil, exceedingly clever with it and with a remarkable penchant to make her malignity appear plausible and even respectable. Who knows exactly what strings to pull and when to do so; what sympathies of her audience to dexterously play on; and significantly what innate prejudices they have that she, Kate McCann can self-centredly exploit to her maximum advantage while simultaneously with a totally contrived but photogenically conspicuous humility giving a classical portrayal worthy of an Oscar nomination of a most unfortunate but run of the mill, hard done by mother, woman and wife, specifically contextualized in that order to fuel the most empathetic reaction possible in her favour, and in whose mouth butter wouldn’t melt. Well I don’t buy any of it, have never done so from the outset of this loathsome saga, and never will. more
Good Quality Wristbands
I do have it preserved in its entirety, for posterity's sake, heaven forbid it were to disappear into the big cyber hole. And I would dearly like to paste all the McCann related text on this here page. Like to yes, but I can't, I would be doing too great a disservice to the writer were I to do so. Quite simply, it is an essay in its own right, and should be read as such.
Though there is much written about the McCanns, I feel that the piece affords the McCanns their true worth, that of incidental scumbags in the grand scheme of things. That's not to say the writer doesn't vent his spleen in this piece, written so obviously from the heart.
A taster then.
eta: Having read again and digested the thing at leisure, what can I say but, bloody good stuff!
Bury this McCann crap along with Madeleine
By Stanley Collymore
13 December 2011
....What has any of this to do with Kate and Gerry McCann I hear you ask? A great deal really as they’re evidently the kind of odious persons that fit comfortably into the pattern of those I have described earlier and that the world would be a great deal better off without and that’s putting it mildly. For here are two individuals that take lies and render them as the truth, who in spite of their evident and numerous faults and a marked rejection in acknowledging these must lay squarely with them instead haughtily thrust them onto the shoulders of anyone that their pathological feral mindset dictates they should and moreover can expectantly as of right anticipate that everyone else will accordingly and unquestioningly agree to; and so far they’ve been rather successful in this sick and quite perturbing ruse of theirs.
Without exception everyone I’ve spoken to about Madeleine or of their own accord has raised the matter with me in the UK or abroad is categorically of the view which I share that there has been no abduction of this girl who we firmly believe is dead and has been from the outset, and that her parents subconsciously guilt wracked but even so attention seekers par excellence and comprising mum Kate who more fittingly could be described as a contemporary Lucria Borgia kitted out with an evidently hen-pecked husband, no need to ask who wears the trousers in their house, are the ones that are solely responsible either intentionally or accidentally for Madeleine death and the disappearance of her body.
Furthermore I’m decisively convinced and every gut instinct reinforces this view that these two murderers, for if Madeleine was killed intentionally there is no getting away from the fact that murder is the crime in question and if her death was accidental and her parents are putting on this elaborate charade to deflect attention away from what really happened manslaughter is no longer a preference as would have been the case had they come clean from the start, are wholly culpable for what happened to their daughter. Let me emphasize the point; if I crash into you and you initially perceived it was an accident but my subsequent body language, no apology on my part to you and all this reinforced by a dismissive and even hostile attitude by me towards you and what happened, could anyone blame you for thinking that maybe what I did wasn’t an accident after all and what took place was a premeditated assault by me cleverly made to come across like an accident? And when one adds to that the case of perverting the course of justice I don’t any rational person would view it as a laughing matter.
It’s my honest opinion and in the absence to-date of any incontestable evidence to the contrary from the McCanns or anyone else is also my unshakable position that Kate and Gerry McCann after Madeleine’s death conspiratorially either with each other or with the misguided assistance of others whom they knew well and could therefore trust implicitly clandestinely and carefully disposed of Madeleine’s body. The rest of this absurd pantomime and especially the McCanns’ elaborate and to my mind highly improbable and entirely unconvincing story is sheer theatre of the macabre written, acted out and diligently directed by a woman that is very evil, exceedingly clever with it and with a remarkable penchant to make her malignity appear plausible and even respectable. Who knows exactly what strings to pull and when to do so; what sympathies of her audience to dexterously play on; and significantly what innate prejudices they have that she, Kate McCann can self-centredly exploit to her maximum advantage while simultaneously with a totally contrived but photogenically conspicuous humility giving a classical portrayal worthy of an Oscar nomination of a most unfortunate but run of the mill, hard done by mother, woman and wife, specifically contextualized in that order to fuel the most empathetic reaction possible in her favour, and in whose mouth butter wouldn’t melt. Well I don’t buy any of it, have never done so from the outset of this loathsome saga, and never will. more
Good Quality Wristbands